Are you tired of just following the tide in fashion? Be a trendsetter! Becoming a trendsetter can mean many things, but it is often associated with establishing standards for fashion and beauty.create your own trend by following these steps:
1 Know the existing fashion trends. How can you set a trend if you are not familiar with the field you are trying to set a trend in? You need to first know what is there as status quo, what already exists. This is quite easy to find. Fashion authorities such as Vogue and other fashion magazines will ensure that you are educated on the current fashion trends that exist. This is your first requirement for setting a trend. You need to know what existing fashion needs to be challenged or broken.
2 Think in advance. You ought to think of the seasons. If you are currently in spring, think of winter trends that you can come up with. The incubation time for your ideas will allow you to strengthen your resolve and let you market it effectively. In this case, you need to have a very wide imagination, so that it will all be real for you even way before it comes to pass.
3 Experiment on styles. Be very bold and make your own statements. This is really something that fashion gurus are known for. They only get the following from fashion enthusiasts later. But they have already embraced the styles they promote even before people approved of them.
4 Solidify your style. You can't set an unformed trend. Solidify your style and make it really concrete and livable. Make it also as flexible as possible so that many people can implement it for themselves.